The rain, ice, and snow season is upon us, and you need winter stormwater management tips for property owners. You already know to keep your drainage clear of leaves and sticks. But what else are you able to do?
Let’s Talk About Chemicals
Stormwater eventually finds its way into groundwater and rivers or lakes, as does anything else the water carries. When using deicers on walkways and roads, you add rock salt (sodium chloride) and sometimes even cyanide to the water.
Whenever possible, avoid using salt or any chemicals. If you do need to add something to keep walkways safe, consider salt alternatives. Examples include calcium magnesium acetate or even moistened sand. However, avoid using any products in areas where stormwater washes down drains.
A Word on Bio Hazards
Did you know that Fido's poop is a biohazard? When it washes into lakes or rivers, it can carry diseases that affect wildlife and water quality. Clean up pet waste as soon as you see it – even if it is not your pet's droppings.
Other biohazards include overflowing septic tanks or lines, medical waste, and animal carcasses. Please do not wait for the rain to wash them away. Instead, deal with these problems ahead of time.
Reduce Impenetrable Surfaces With Container Plants
Ideally, we would be able to replace impermeable surfaces with permeable ones. However, plant containers are often a more realistic option. Plant containers reduce the size of impenetrable surfaces like walkways or streets, and they look pretty. To do it right, select only native plants for these containers.
Minimize Damage to Property
Sometimes, the water comes too quickly to do anything other than protect your property. Keeping flooding water out until you deal with the underlying problem becomes the call of the hour. Start with plastic sheets affixed to exterior walls and anything else that might be in the path of flooding water. Add sandbags in areas where stormwater may enter structures. These measures work best when you take them before the flooding gets bad. We recommend considering any steps to take at the first mentions of storms.
Call in the Experts When Dealing with Ponding Water or Floods
Standing water is expected after very heavy rainfalls. However, if it is still there after a few days, you likely have a problem with clogged storm drains. There is plenty of stuff around that clogs these drains. Examples range from leaves and sediment to trash and other human-made obstructions. A professional storm drain clean-out will deal with these problems. These drains allow the water to enter your stormwater management system. None of the other system elements will work effectively unless they function as designed.
Working with Professionals to Proactively Manage Stormwater Incidents During the Winter and Other Seasons
Flooding, pollution, and property damage all result from uncontrolled stormwater runoff. However, when you have done all you can above ground, it is time to have the experts deal with the drainage systems below ground. We have already mentioned storm drain clean-outs. Before specialists take this step, they begin with an inspection. The goal is to pinpoint problem areas and create a fully customized approach to stormwater issues.
With this data in hand, the experts may decide on various steps.
- Wet vault cleaning. If wet vaults are on your property, sediment removal is likely needed. Cleaning involves debris floating on top of the water and anything that has sunk. Only a thorough trash removal and cleaning will allow the wet vault to function as intended. Best of all, the specialists will take appropriate measures to dispose of trash and pollutants.
- Stormwater vault cleaning and maintenance. Cleaning stormwater vaults follows similar steps to those used for the wet vault. However, maintenance may include repairing shear gates or replacing worn chains. It is difficult to anticipate what needs to be done unless a technician examines the vaults' inner workings.
- Pipe jetting. To deal with potentially clogged drains at your location, specialists will use high-pressure water to remove obstructions. When you are worried about roots entering the drains, pipe jetting will remove them. No chemicals are involved in this process to prevent pollution. It is a highly effective way to get your system up and running quickly by removing the clogs preventing water from entering it.
Depending on your property's stormwater management system setup, other services include storm pond and bioswale remediation, detention vault cleaning, and oil water separator cleaning. Remember that the experts want to help you through this year's and next year's flooding. If your stormwater management system has been without adequate maintenance for a while, there may be more to do.
What Happens if You Do Nothing This Year or the Next?
Our winter stormwater management tips for property owners may sound complicated, but dealing with stormwater is your responsibility. Unless you address the issues at hand, you contribute to the pollution of local waters, flooding of your property, and even threats to human health.
Fortunately, you do not have to do it alone. Specialists like CatchAll Environmental routinely partner with property owners to handle stormwater management-related cleaning and maintenance. An inspection shows you the current condition of your systems and reveals what needs to be done to deal with ponding water and other stormwater-related issues.
From there, the experts will clean and maintain the stormwater system. Best of all, when you set up a regular maintenance plan, you know that CatchAll Environmental will prevent backups and other issues from clogging. Do not wait – make the call today!